15 Coolest Firefox Tricks Ever
Everybody’s favorite open-source browser, Firefox, is great right out of the box. And by adding some of the awesome extensions available out there, the browser just gets better and better.
But look under the hood, and there are a bunch of hidden (and some not-so-secret) tips and tricks available that will crank Firefox up and pimp your browser. Make it faster, cooler, more efficient. Get to be a Jedi master with the following cool Firefox tricks.
1) More screen space. Make your icons small. Go to View - Toolbars - Customize and check the “Use small icons” box.
2) Smart keywords. If there’s a search you use a lot (let’s say IMDB.com’s people search), this is an awesome tool that not many people use. Right-click on the search box, select “Add a Keyword for this search”, give the keyword a name and an easy-to-type and easy-to-remember shortcut name (let’s say “actor”) and save it. Now, when you want to do an actor search, go to Firefox’s address bar, type “actor” and the name of the actor and press return. Instant search! You can do this with any search box.
3) Keyboard shortcuts. This is where you become a real Jedi. It just takes a little while to learn these, but once you do, your browsing will be super fast. Here are some of the most common (and my personal favs):
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
4) Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not commonly known and very useful. Go to the address bar (Control-L) and type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say “google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in the “www” and the “.com” and take you there - like magic! For .net addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-Shift-Enter.
5) Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
6) Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master these cool ones:
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
7) Delete items from address bar history. Firefox’s ability to automatically show previous URLs you’ve visited, as you type, in the address bar’s drop-down history menu is very cool. But sometimes you just don’t want those URLs to show up (I won’t ask why). Go to the address bar (Ctrl-L), start typing an address, and the drop-down menu will appear with the URLs of pages you’ve visited with those letters in them. Use the down-arrow to go down to an address you want to delete, and press the Delete key to make it disappear.
8) User chrome. If you really want to trick out your Firefox, you’ll want to create a UserChrome.css file and customize your browser. It’s a bit complicated to get into here, but check out this tutorial.
9) Create a user.js file. Another way to customize Firefox, creating a user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that you can modify. Created by techlifeweb.com, this example explains some of the things you can do in its comments.
10) about:config. The true power user’s tool, about.config isn’t something to mess with if you don’t know what a setting does. You can get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the browser’s address bar. See Mozillazine’s about:config tips and screenshots.
11) Add a keyword for a bookmark. Go to your bookmarks much faster by giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that bookmark.
12) Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections). Here’s how:
* Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type “network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
* Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
13) Limit RAM usage. If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Again, go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have between 512MB and 1GB ram.
14) Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized. This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Again, go to about:config, right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean. Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE. You have to restart Firefox for these settings to take effect.
15) Move or remove the close tab button. Do you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them, again through about:config. Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers. The round
pegs in the square holes - the
ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules and
they have no respect for
the status quo. You can praise
them, disagree with them,
quote them, disbelieve them,
These Are Some Tricks That Make Use Of Programs Listed In This Guide And Nothing Will Happen Even If You Go
Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your computer. It does this so that when you do a search for something on your computer, it will search faster by scanning the index lists. If you don't search your computer often, or even if you do search often, this system service is completely unnecessary. To disable do the following:
1. Go to Start
2. Click Settings
3. Click Control Panel
4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs
5. Click the Add/Remove Window Components
6. Uncheck the Indexing services
7. Click Next
Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. To optimise:
1.Go to Start
2. Click Settings
3. Click Control Panel
4. Click System
5. Click Advanced tab
6. In the Performance tab click Settings
7. Leave only the following ticked:
- Show shadows under menus
- Show shadows under mouse pointer
- Show translucent selection rectangle
- Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
- Use visual styles on windows and buttons
Windows XP has a performance monitor utility which monitors several areas of your PC's performance. These utilities take up system resources so disabling is a good idea.
To disable:
1. download and install the Extensible Performance Counter List(http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/remove404.mspx)
2.Then select each counter in turn in the 'Extensible performance counters' window and clear the 'performance counters enabled' checkbox at the bottom.button below.
You may have noticed that everytime you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing significantly:
1. Open My Computer
2. Click on Tools menu
3. Click on Folder Options
4. Click on the View tab.
5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box
6. Click Apply
7. Click Ok
8. Reboot your computer
Cacheman Improves the performance of your computer by optimizing the disk cache, memory and a number of other settings.
Once Installed:
1.Go to Show Wizard and select All
2.Run all the wizards by selecting Next or Finished until you are back to the main menu. Use the defaults unless you know exactly what you are doing.
3.Exit and Save Cacheman
4.Restart Windows
There are lots of ways to do this but by far the easiest is to run TCP/IP Optimizer.
1. Download(www.speedguide.net/files/tcpoptimizer.exe) and install
2. Click the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed (Kbps)
3. Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to connect to the Internet
4. Check Optimal Settings then Apply
5. Reboot
If you give your pagefile a fixed size it saves the operating system from needing to resize the page file.
1. Right click on My Computer and select Properties
2. Select the Advanced tab
3. Under Performance choose the Settings button
4. Select the Advanced tab again and under Virtual Memory select Change
5. Highlight the drive containing your page file and make the initial Size of the file the same as the Maximum Size of the file.
Windows XP sizes the page file to about 1.5X the amount of actual physical memory by default. While this is good for systems with smaller amounts of memory (under 512MB) it is unlikely that a typical XP desktop system will ever need 1.5 X 512MB or more of virtual memory. If you have less than 512MB of memory, leave the page file at its default size. If you have 512MB or more, change the ratio to 1:1 page file size to physical memory size.
RUN BOOTVIS - IMPROVE BOOT TIMES download from(www.majorgeeks.com)
BootVis will significantly improve boot times
1. Download and Run
2. Select Trace
3. Select Next Boot and Driver Trace
4. A Trace Repetitions screen will appear, select Ok and Reboot
5. Upon reboot, BootVis will automatically start, analyze and log your system's boot process. When it's done, in the menu go to Trace and select Optimize System
6. Reboot.
7. When your machine has rebooted wait until you see the Optimizing System box appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete
Your desktop background consumes a fair amount of memory and can slow the loading time of your system. Removing it will improve performance.
1. Right click on Desktop and select Properties
2. Select the Desktop tab
3. In the Background window select None
4. Click Ok
Fonts, especially TrueType fonts, use quite a bit of system resources. For optimal performance, trim your fonts down to just those that you need to use on a daily basis and fonts that applications may require.
1. Open Control Panel
2. Open Fonts folder
3. Move fonts you don't need to a temporary directory (e.g. C:\FONTBKUP?) just in case you need or want to bring a few of them back. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will gain.
Because Windows XP has to be all things to all people it has many services running that take up system resources that you will never need. Below is a list of services that can be disabled on most machines:
Computer Browser
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Fast User Switching
Help and Support - (If you use Windows Help and Support leave this enabled)
Human Interface Access Devices
Indexing Service
IPSEC Services
Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
Remote Procedure Call Locator
Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
Remote Registry Service
Secondary Logon
Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
SSDP Discovery Service - (Unplug n' Pray will disable this)
Upload Manager
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Windows Time
Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use a wireless network)
To disable these services:
Go to Start and then Run and type "services.msc"
Doubleclick on the service you want to change
Change the startup type to 'Disable"
System Restore can be a useful if your computer is having problems, however storing all the restore points can literally take up Gigabytes of space on your hard drive. To turn off System Restore:
Open Control Panel
Click on Performance and Maintenance
Click on System
Click on the System Restore tab
Tick 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives'
Click 'Ok'
Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provide a major performance boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to creat a separate partition on your hard drive just for your page file, so that it doesn't get impacted by normal disk usage. Another way of keeping your pagefile defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to defrag your pagefile, and can also be set to defrag the pagefile everytime your PC starts. To install:
Download(www.sysinternals.com) and Run PageDefrag
Tick "Defrag at next Reboot",
Click "Ok"
If you have a lot of folders and subdirectories on your computer, when you access a directory XP wastes a lot of time updating the time stamp showing the last access time for that directory and for ALL sub directories. To stop XP doing this you need to edit the registry. If you are uncomfortable doing this then please do not attempt.
Go to Start and then Run and type "regedit"
Click through the file system until you get to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Cur rentControlSet\Control\FileSys tem"
Right-click in a blank area of the window on the right and select 'DWORD Value'
Create a new DWORD Value called 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
Then Right click on the new value and select 'Modify'
Change the Value Data to '1'
Click 'OK'
Surprisingly, the beeps that your computer makes for various system sounds can slow it down, particularly at startup and shut-down. To fix this turn off the system sounds:
Open Control Panel
Click Sounds and Audio Devices
Check Place volume icon in taskbar
Click Sounds Tab
Choose "No Sounds" for the Sound Scheme
Click "No"
Click "Apply"
Click "OK"
A great new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. This places all boot files next to each other on the disk to allow for faster booting. By default this option in enables but on some builds it is not so below is how to turn it on.
Go to Start Menu and Click Run
Type in "Regedit" then click ok
Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\M icrosoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction"
Select "Enable" from the list on the right
Right on it and select "Modify"
Change the value to "Y to enable"
If you have more than 256MB of RAM this tweak will considerably improve your performance. It basically makes sure that your PC uses every last drop of memory (faster than swap file) before it starts using the swap file.
Go to Start then Run
Type "msconfig.exe" then ok
Click on the System.ini tab
Expand the 386enh tab by clicking on the plus sign
Click on new then in the blank box type"ConservativeSwapfileUsage =1"
Click OK
Restart PC
This is one of my favourite tweaks as it makes a huge difference to how fast your machine will 'feel'. What this tweak does is remove the slight delay between clicking on a menu and XP displaying the menu.
Go to Start then Run
Type 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'
Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"
Select "MenuShowDelay"
Right click and select "Modify'
Reduce the number to around "100"
This is the delay time before a menu is opened. You can set it to "0" but it can make windows really hard to use as menus will open if you just look at them - well move your mouse over them anyway. I tend to go for anywhere between 50-150 depending on my mood
This little tweak tends to work for most programs. If your program doesn't load properly just undo the change. For any program:
Right-click on the icon/shortcut you use to launch the program
Select properties
In the 'target' box, add ' /prefetch:1' at the end of the line.
Click "Ok"
Voila - your programs will now load faster.
This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.
Go to Start then select Run
Type 'Regedit' and click ok
Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now select 'HungAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now find 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Cur rentControlSet\Control\'
Select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
This tweak works by creating a batch file to clear the temp and history folders everytime you shutdown so that your PC doesn't waste time checking these folders the next time it boots. It's quite simple to implement:
1. Open Notepad and create a new file with the following entries:
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\"UserName without quotes"\Local Settings\History"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\History"
RD /S /q "D:\Temp\" <–"Deletes temp folder, type in the location of your temp folder"
2. Save the new as anything you like but it has to be a '.bat' file e.g. fastboot.bat or deltemp.bat
3. Click 'Start' then 'Run'
4. Type in 'gpedit.msc' and hit 'ok'
5. Click on 'Computer Configuration' then 'Windows Settings'
6. Double-click on 'Scripts' and then on 'Shutdown'
7. Click 'Add' and find the batch file that you created and then press 'Ok'
When your PC starts it usually looks for any bootable media in any floppy or cd-rom drives you have installed before it gets around to loading the Operating System from the HDD. This can waste valuable time. To fix this we need to make some changes to the Bios.
1. To enter the bios you usually press 'F2' or 'delete' when your PC starts
2. Navigate to the 'Boot' menu
3. Select 'Boot Sequence'
4. Then either move your Hard drive to the top position or set it as the 'First Device'
5. Press the 'Escape' key to leave the bios. Don't forget to save your settings before exiting
Note: Once this change has been made, you won't be able to boot from a floppy disc or a CD-rom. If for some strange reason you need to do this in the future, just go back into your bios, repeat the steps above and put your floppy or CD-rom back as the 'First Device'
When your computer boots up it usually has to check with the network to see what IP addresses are free and then it grabs one of these. By configuring a manually assigned IP address your boot time will improve. To do this do the following:
1. Click on 'Start' and then ''Connect To/Show All Connections'
2. Right-click your network adapter card and click 'Properties'.
3. On the 'General' tab, select 'TCP/IP' in the list of services and click 'Properties'
4.I n the TCP/IP properties, click 'Use the following address' and enter an IP address for your PC. If you are using a router this is usually 192.168.0.xx or 192.168.1.xx. If you are not sure what address you could check with your ISP or go to 'Start/run' and type 'cmd' and then 'ipconfig/all'. This will show your current IP settings which you will need to copy.
5. Enter the correct details for 'Subnet mask', 'Default gateway' and 'DNS Server'. Again if you are not sure what figures to enter use 'ipconfig/all' as in stage 4.
I found this useful app via FixMyXP. ClearMem Is an Excellent Tool for speeding up your XP Computer (especially if your system has been on for awhile and you have a lot of applications open). What it does, is it Forces pages out of physical memory and reduces the size of running processes if working sets to a minimum. When you run this tool, the system pauses because of excessive high-priority activity associated with trimming the working sets. To run this tool, your paging file must be at least as large as physical memory. To Check your Paging File:
1. Go to your control panel, then click on 'System', then go to the 'Advanced' Tab, and Under 'Performance' click 'Settings' then the 'Advanced' Tab
2. On the Bottom you should see 'Virtual Memory' and a value. This is the value that must be at least as large as how much memory is in your system.
3. If the Virtual Memory Value is smaller than your system memory, click Change and change the Min Virtual Memory to a number that is greater than your total system memory, then click 'Set' and Reboot.
4. Once you have rebooted install ClearMem
XP enables DMA for Hard-Drives and CD-Roms by default on most ATA or ATAPI (IDE) devices. However, sometimes computers switch to PIO mode which is slower for data transfer - a typical reason is because of a virus. To ensure that your machine is using DMA:
1. Open 'Device Manager'
2. Double-click 'IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers'
3. Right-click 'Primary Channel' and select 'Properties' and then 'Advanced Settings'
4. In the 'Current Transfer Mode' drop-down box, select 'DMA if Available' if the current setting is 'PIO Only'
Some machines suffer from jerky graphics or high CPU usage even when a machine is idle. A possible solution for this, which, can also can help network performance is to:
1. RightClick 'My Computer'
2. Select 'Manage'
3. Click on 'Device Manager'
4. DoubleClick your network adaptor under 'Network Adapters'
5. In the new window, select the 'Advanced' tab
6. Select 'Connection Type' and select the correct type for your card and then Reboot
Although not strictly a performance tweak I love this fix as it makes my machine 'feel' faster. I hate the annoying 'are you sure?' messages that XP displays, especially if I have to use a laptop touchpad to close them. To remove these messages:
1. Right-click on the 'Recycle Bin' on the desktop and then click 'Properties'
2. Clear the 'Display Delete Confirmation Dialog' check box and click 'Ok'
If you do accidently delete a file don't worry as all is not lost. Just go to your Recycle Bin and 'Restore' the file.
Prefetch is designed to speed up program launching by preloading programs into memory - not a good idea is memory is in short supply, as it can make programs hang. To disable prefetch:
1. Click 'Start' then 'Run'
2. Type in 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'
3. Navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Cur rentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\ '
4. Right-click on "EnablePrefetcher" and set the value to '0'
5. Reboot.
from the properties choose custumize and change its icon to a blank one then right click choose rename and delete its current name and hold alt key and press 2 5 5 then press enter then u will not be able to see the folder .
hack admin password :
Its very simple just go to :
then type : net user and press enter
after select the user which has the password ( ex.:admin) and type
net use admin *
after press 2 time enter.
Hope that this will help you a lot.
how to become administrator of ur comp. :
How to become Administrator of your computer. -
Do not do this if you will get in trouble, I don't want to take any blame. This is quite simple, actually. Open MSDOS(Start>Run>Type in "CMD"). Type in "Net Users". Your result will look similar to this:
Notice the list that pops up of the users. Look under administrator and pick one(there might only be one). Now type in "Net Users "Name that you picked here without quotations" ". It should look something like this
It displays plenty of information on the user selected. Next, type in "Net User "Name Selected without quotations" *. Make sure to put a space, then an asterisks. All you really have to do is this last step, but I figured you should get acquainted with it first. Up to this step should look like this
Now type in wanted password, then it will tell you to confirm. After doing this, logout of your account and into the administrator account. Change your settings to "Administrator" then get back on yours. This is helpful for some people who can't download certain items or mess with certain stuff, so good luck
maths :
This one can be done in your head using the number 11.
Take 11 and multiply it by any 2 digits, and add that 2 digit together and put the answer in between the 2 digit.
Example 1: 11 x 12 = 132.
Example 2: 11 x 34 = 374
1+2=3, put the 3 in between the 1 and 2. The same thing applies to any other 2 digits.
3+4=7, put the 7 in between the 3 and 4.
For 3 digits, it's a little different but same concept. Add the last 2 digits (right and mid #) together, then add the first 2 digits (left and mid #) and put it in the middle, except replace the middle number with the new answers and keep the first and last digits.
Example 1: 11 x 127 = 1397
Example 2: 11 x 255 = 2805
2+7=9 and 1+2=3. Replace the #2 with the 3 and 9 and keep the first and last digits.
For example 2, just remember to carry the remainder and add it to the left answer.
5+5=0 (keep the 0 and carry the 1 to the left side) and 2+5=8 (7+1 from the 1 remainder).
Have fun impressing someone, especially your math teacher =)
Hide your folders from your parents
U can lock any folder without using any software.just use the codes given below u can redirect the folder to control panel, internet explorer etc., by renaming the files just paste the code for example if u have a folder in d: which is named "HELLO" then rename it to Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}. thats all ur folder will redirect to control panel. when somebody clicks on it it won't open but just redirect to control panel
here are the codes for each location
1-Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
2-Internet Explorer.{FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}
3-Recycle Bin.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
4-My Computer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
5-My Documents.{ECF03A32-103D-11d2-854D-006008059367}
to unlock the folder
Go to Start>RUN>CMD
If the folder is in d: then go to that drive
then type: dir/x then the folder is shown as for example with control panel it shows as contro~1.{21
rename this folder to any name using command "ren control~1.{21 myfolder" without quote ok
thats it all over..... U can lock and unlock the folder
This doesnt work on Vista
i found this and i thout i might share w/ u guyse
turn pc on 10 sec. :
All right so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds right here is what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds
Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key
HKEY_LOACAL_MECHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\ContentIndex
now there find the Key Called
"Startup Delay"
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
You'll See The Result
Comments Apriciated
Make Your Firefox Much Faster
1) Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:
Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.
2) Alter the entries as follows: (by double clicking them)
Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once. (I changed mine to 100, works great.)
3) Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
math :
Here is a math trick so unbelievable that it will
Stump you.
Personally I would like to know who came up with this
And why that
Person is not running the country?
1. Grab a calculator. (You won't be able to do this
One in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number
(NOT the area code)
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2
Do you recognize the answer?
vista key :
1. Download vista from this forum or from anywhere.
2. No open the Vista folder and sources\inf\setup.cfg
3. Open "setup.cfg" as Notepad file.
4. see at last line you will se Serial key.
That's it..
shortcuts :
• Start + M: Minimizes all open windows
• Start + Shift + M: Maximizes All Windows
• Start + E: Runs Windows Explorer
• Start + R: Open the RUN Dialog Box
• Start + F: Open the Search Results Dialog box
• Start + CTRL + F: Opens the Search Results-Computer dialog Box (if the computer is connected to a network)
• Start + Pause (Break): Opens the System Properties Dialog Box
Windows System Key Combinations:
• F1: Help
• CTRL + ESC: Open Start menu
• ALT + TAB: Switch between open programs
• ALT + F4: Quit program
• SHIFT + DELETE: Delete item permanently
Windows Program Key Combinations:
• CTRL + C: Copy
• CTRL + X: Cut
• CTRL + V: Paste
• CTRL + Z: Undo
• CTRL + B: Bold
• CTRL + U: Underline
• CTRL + I: Italic
Mouse Click/Keyboard Modifier Combinations for Shell Objects:
• SHIFT + right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands
• SHIFT + double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)
• ALT + double click: Displays properties
• SHIFT + DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin
General Keyboard-Only Commands:
• F1: Starts Windows Help
• F10: Activates menu bar options
• SHIFT + F10: Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
• CTRL + ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
• CTRL + ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
• ALT + DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box
• ALT + TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
• SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
• ALT + SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
• ALT +- (ALT + hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI)child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
• CTRL + TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
• ALT + underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
• ALT + F4: Closes the current window
• CTRL + F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
• ALT + F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed
• ALT + F6: switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)
Shell Objects and General Folder/Windows Explorer Shortcuts For a selected object:
• F2: Rename object
• F3: Find all files
• CTRL + X: Cut
• CTRL + C: Copy
• CTRL + V: Paste
• SHIFT + DELETE: Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin
• ALT + ENTER: Open the properties for the selected object
• To Copy a File: Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.
• To Create a Shortcut: Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.
General Folder/Shortcut Control:
• F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
• F5: Refreshes the current window.
• F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
• CTRL + G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
• CTRL + Z: Undo the last command
• CTRL + A: Select all the items in the current window
• BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
• SHIFT + click + Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders
Windows Explorer Tree Control:
• Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
• Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
• RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
• LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent
Properties Control:
• CTRL + TAB/CTRL + SHIFT + TAB: Move through the property tabs
Accessibility Shortcuts:
• Press SHIFT five times: Toggles StickyKeys on and off
• Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggles FilterKeys on and off
• Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds: Toggles ToggleKeys on and off
• Left ALT + left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: Toggles MouseKeys on and off
• Left ALT + left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: Toggles high contrast on and off
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Keys:
• Windows Logo: Start menu
• Windows Logo + R: Run dialog box
• Windows Logo + M: Minimize all
• SHIFT + Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all
• Windows Logo + F1: Help
• Windows Logo + E: Windows Explorer
• Windows Logo + F: Find files or folders
• Windows Logo + D: Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
• CTRL + Windows Logo + F: Find computer
• CTRL + Windows Logo + TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar,
to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the
Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
• Windows Logo + TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons
• Windows Logo + Break: System Properties dialog box
• Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item
Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed:
• Windows Logo + L: Log off Windows
• Windows Logo + P: Starts Print Manager
• Windows Logo + C: Opens Control Panel
• Windows Logo + V: Starts Clipboard
• Windows Logo + K: Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box
• Windows Logo + I: Opens Mouse Properties dialog box
• Windows Logo + A: Starts Accessibility Options (if installed)
• Windows Logo + SPACEBAR: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
• Windows Logo + S: Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off
Dialog Box Keyboard Commands:
• TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
• SHIFT + TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
• SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
• ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
• ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
• ALT + underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to
mobile phone codes :
1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger.
Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#"
Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.
This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.
*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec(EFR)
-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound
but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec
2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,
1st Line : SoftwareVersion,
2nd Line : Software ReleaseDate,
3rd Line : Compression Type
3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work
4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To
11 *#2640# Displays security code in use
12 *#30# Lets you see the private number
13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea chable(no service)" calls are diverted to
16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
17 *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
"SIM Clock Stop Allowed",it means you will get the best standby time possible
20 *#7760# Manufactures code
21 *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings
22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)
Displays -
1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of lastrepair (0000 for no repairs),
5.Transfer UserData.
To exit this mode-you need to switch your phone off then on again
24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered
27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
28 12345 This is the default security code press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
change name of start botton :
1. Download Resource Hacker here http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/ftp/tools/ResHack.zip
2.Install and Run
3.Click File-Open
4.Find C:\Windows\explorer.exe and then open
5.Expand String Table folder and find 37 Folder
6.Click 1033 and in line 578, change the word "Start" in anyting u want
7.Click File - Save As and save it as ElderGeek.exe or any filename
8.Click Start -Run-type "regedit"
9. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
10. In the right pane, double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box
11.In Value Data textbox change Explorer.exe to ElderGeek.exe and click OK
12. Lastly, Reboot. ENJOY
volume icon in taskbar :
It's really handy to have access to the Volume Control panel in the event you quickly need to move the volume slider up or down. In its default state, XP ships with almost a clean slate for both the desktop and taskbar. So, if you'd like to place the volume control icon in the taskbar, you're going to need to make a little adjustment.
To place the volume control icon in the taskbar, follow these steps:
Single-click the Start menu.
Single-click Control Panel.
Single-click Sound, Speech, and Audio Devices.
Single-click Sounds and Audio Devices to launch the Sound and Audio Devices properties.
On the Volume tab, locate the text labeled "Device Volume" and place a check mark next to the text labeled "Place volume icon in the taskbar."
Single-click Apply.
You should now have the volume icon in the taskbar. Now all you need to do is double-click this icon to bring up your Volume Control panel.
99 Commands the Windows XP Command prompt can run.
Here is a list of commands that you can run off from the Run Command prompt in XP:
Go to Start Menu > Run… and type in the command to run
Application = Command
Accessibility Controls = access.cpl
Add Hardware Wizard = hdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove Programs = appwiz.cpl
Administrative Tools = control admintools
Automatic Updates = wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard = fsquirt
Calculator = calc
Certificate Manager = certmgr.msc
Character Map = charmap
Check Disk Utility = chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd
Command Prompt = cmd
Component Services = dcomcnfg
Computer Management = compmgmt.msc
Date and Time Properties = timedate.cpl
DDE Shares = ddeshare
Device Manager = devmgmt.msc
Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* = directx.cpl
Direct X Troubleshooter = dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility = cleanmgr
Disk Defragment = dfrg.msc
Disk Management = diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager = diskpart
Display Properties = control desktop/desk.cpl
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility = drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utility = verifier
Event Viewer = eventvwr.msc
File Signature Verification Tool = sigverif
Findfast = findfast.cpl
Folders Properties = control folders
Fonts = control fonts
Fonts Folder = fonts
Free Cell Card Game = freecell
Game Controllers = joy.cpl
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) = gpedit.msc
Hearts Card Game = mshearts
Iexpress Wizard = iexpress
Indexing Service = ciadv.msc
Internet Properties = inetcpl.cpl
IP Configuration = ipconfig
Java Control Panel (If Installed) = jpicpl32.cpl
Java Application Cache Viewer (If Installed) = javaws
Keyboard Properties = control keyboard
Local Security Settings = secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups = lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows = logoff
Microsoft Chat = winchat
Minesweeper Game = winmine
Mouse Properties = control mouse
Mouse Properties = main.cpl
Network Connections = control netconnections
Network Connections = ncpa.cpl
Network Setup Wizard = netsetup.cpl
Notepad = notepad
Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) = nvtuicpl.cpl
Object Packager = packager
ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbccp32.cpl
On Screen Keyboard = osk
Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) = ac3filter.cpl
Password Properties = password.cpl
Performance Monitor = perfmon.msc
Performance Monitor = perfmon
Phone and Modem Options = telephon.cpl
Power Configuration = powercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxes = control printers
Printers Folder = printers
Private Character Editor = eudcedit
Quicktime (If Installed) = QuickTime.cpl
Regional Settings = intl.cpl
Registry Editor = regedit
Registry Editor = regedit32
Remote Desktop = mstsc
Removable Storage = ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests = ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) = rsop.msc
Scanners and Cameras = sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks = control schedtasks
Security Center = wscui.cpl
Services = services.msc
Shared Folders = fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows = shutdown
Sounds and Audio = mmsys.cpl
Spider Solitare Card Game = spider
SQL Client Configuration = cliconfg
System Configuration Editor = sysedit
System Configuration Utility = msconfig
System File Checker Utility = sfc
System Properties = sysdm.cpl
Task Manager = taskmgr
Telnet Client = telnet
User Account Management = nusrmgr.cpl
Utility Manager = utilman
Windows Firewall = firewall.cpl
Windows Magnifier = magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure = wmimgmt.msc
Windows System Security Tool = syskey
Windows Update Launches = wupdmgr
Windows XP Tour Wizard = tourstart
Wordpad = write
get the serial no. with google search :
Get the serial number you need ! (For Certain Things)
* Go to Google.
* In the search field type: "Product name" 94FBR
* Where, "Product Name" is the name of the item you want to find the serial number for.
* And voila - there you go - the serial number you needed.
Quite simple really. 94FBR is part of a Office 2000 Pro cd key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2K Pro. By searching for the product name and 94fbr, you guarantee two things. 1) The pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for. 2) Because 94FBR is part of a serial number, and only part of a serial number, you guarantee that any page being returned is a serial number list page.
See these example searches:
"Photoshop 7" 94FBR
"Age of Mythology" 94FBR
"Nero Burning Rom 5.5" 94FBR
To rename as many files as you want to different extionsions, try this:
Let's say you have a folder full of .doc files but you want to rename them to .mp3 files.
Open up Notepad and type:
rename *.doc *.mp3
(you change the .doc to the files you want to convert and the .mp3 to what you want them to be renamed to.
Now go "File" and "Save As". Name it "rename.bat" and save it in the folder with the files you want to convert.
Now just click "rename.bat" and it should automatically rename the files for you!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Om shanti Om ka dialogue Hum students ke andaaz mein ..
Itni shiddat se maine paas hone ki koshish ki hai...... ki har teacher ne mujhe marks na dene ki saazish ki hai.....
.. Agar tum kisi paper mein paas hona chahte ho.... to saari kaaynat tumhe usko paas karane me lag jati hai......... Ye exams bhi apne hindi filmon ki tarah hote hain......... end tak sab kuch achha ho hi jata hai-HAPPYS ENDINGS...... aur agar aisa nahi hota..... to exam abhi khatam nahi hue, RE-TEST abhi baaki hai mere dost................
??? ?? letter ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???......
?????? ????,
??? itthe raji ????? ?? ??? and hope ke tu v ??? ??? hovengi,
Laxman ??? ?? tannu ???? ??? ???? si.
??? ?? ????? ?? ??? tannu ?????? bhej reha ???,
?? bilkul tension ?? layi ??? ???? jaldi tenu ravan ???? chuda
??? AIRTEL ?? postpaid ?? ???? ??, RAVAN nu ??? mobile te bhot
??????? kadiya te ???? ?? ??? ditta,
?? ??? ni ????? ??? ?? ?? ??. Taan KUTUNGA ???? KANJAR nu.
??? ???? naal ?? ?? AIRTEL ka prepaid bhej riya ?? usme 1500 SMS free
wali scheme ??, ?? ???? ???? ?? SMS kari.
Chinta ?? kari, ?? ?? gal ???? ?? ?? ???, ?? miss call ??? diyo.
??? ???? ?? tenu ??? ?? levenga.
?? ???? bill ?? chinta ?? kariyo, Sugreev nu payment ?? jimma ?? ditta
Accha OK
See Uuuu.
1.NIIT : Not Interested in IT
2. WIPRO : Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish Output
3. HCL : Hidden Costs & Losses
4. TCS : Totally Confusing Solutions
5. INFOSYS :Inferior Offline Systems
6. HUGHES : Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping
7. BAAN : Beggars Association and Nerds
8. IBM : Implicitly Boring Machines
9. SATYAM : Sad And Tired Yelling Away Madly
10. PARAM : Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors
11. C-DOT : Coffee During Office Timings
12. AT&T : All Troubles & Terrible
13. CMC : Coffee, Meals and Comfort
14. DEC : Drifting & Exhausted Computers
15. BFL : Brainwash First and Let them go
17. TISL : Totally Inconsistent Systems Ltd.
18. PSI : Peculiar Symptoms of India
19. PATNI: Pathetic Appraisal Techniques, No Increments.
20. MASTEK: Mad And Stupid Technitians
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumem
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bengali - Ami tomake bhalobashi (pronounced: Amee toe-ma-kee bhalo-bashee)
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Catalan - T'estimo
Cherokee - Tsi ge yu i
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Cantonese - Ngo oiy ney a
Mandarin - Wo ai ni
Comanche - U kamakutu nu
(pronounced oo----ka-ma-koo-too-----nu) -- Thx Tony
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Cree - Kisakihitin
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Elvish - Amin mela lle (from The Lord of The Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal
1.college ------- yaadein
2.pricipal ------ Jaani Dushman
3.classes ------- kabhi kabhi
4.canteen------- kabhi alvida na kehna
5.course -------- godzilla
6.exams -------- kalyug
7.examination hall---- chamber of secret
8.exam-time ---------- qayamat se qayamt tak
9. question paper --------- paheli
10.answer paper ---------- kora kagaz
11.cheating ---------- aksar/chupke chupke
12. paper out ---------- plan
13.examiner ------------- the killer
14.last exam ----------- independence day
15.paper correction --------- andha kanoon
16.marks ----------- assambhav
17.result ----------- murder
18.pass ------------ ajjoba/ chamatkar
19. fail ----------- devdas
20.supplementary ------- aakhri raasta
Laloo Prasad Yadav talks to his son.
Laloo: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son : "I want to choose my own bride".
Laloo : "But the girl is Ambani's daughter."
Son : "Well, in that case...... Yes"
Next Laloo approaches Mukesh Ambani
Laloo : "I have a husband for your daughter."
Ambani : "But my daughter is too young to marry."
Laloo : "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Ambani : "Ah, in that case.....Yes"
Finally Laloo goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Laloo : "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president. "
President :"But I already have more vice-presidents than I need."
Laloo : "But this young man is Ambani's son-in-law."
President : "Ah, in that case.......Yes. "
This is how business is done!!!
The Laloo school of Business Mgt.
A wonderful mind game by a BIHARI.
What is B. E.
80 GB Syllabus,
80 MB we study,
80 KB we remember,
80 bytes we answer,
Binary marks we get,
Den finally we get degree...
B. E.
(Brain Empty)
If v treat her nice she says "yaar mujhe line de raha hai"
If v dont she says "kitna akarta hai"
If v dress nicely she says "mujhe impress karna chahta hai"
If v dont she says "tasteless hai yaar"
If v argue with her she says "ziddi hai"
If v sit quietly she says "dumb hai"
If v act smarter she'll lose her brain as u r insulting her
If she acts smarter she thinks its her right
If v dont love her she says "is ka to pehle se hi 2,3 ladkiyon ka saath chakkar hai"
If v love her she says "peechhe hi pad gayaa hai"
If v dont tell her ur prob she says " u r not honest 2 me"
If u do tell to her she says "u r a problem child"
If v scold her she says "you act like a grandpa giving lecture"
If she scolds us she says "Yaar, its becoz i care"
If v break a promise she says "She does not trust u any more"
If she breaks she says "jaan main majboor thi....
ladkiyan re ladkiya . .
bechare boys itna sab seh ke b chup chap
apki taarif me do shabd likhna hai ,
socha bahut socha?
kursi per baith ke socha ?
bistar par late ke socha ?
table par chad ke socha ?
computer per online hote hue bhi socha ?
kitabo me ghus kar socha ?
raat ko morning walk karte hue socha ?
bina khaye socha ?
kha kar bhi socha ?
pee kar bhi socha ?
naha kar bhi socha ?
itna sochkar bhi socha ki itna kyun socha ????
kaise socha???? yaar simple do shabd hi to
likhne hai lo...
u r soooooo cute and sweet....
bas ho gaya na
CRICKET : Gol guttam lakad battam de danadan pratiyogita
CRICKET TEST MATCH : Pakad dandu, maar mandu, de danaadan pratiyogita
TABLE TENNIS : Lakdi ke phalak shetra pe Le takaatak de takaatak
LAWN TENNIS : Harit Ghaas par Le tada tad, de tada tad
LIGHT BULB : Vidyut Prakashak Kanch golak
TIE : Kanth Langoti
MATCH BOX : Ragdampatti Agni Utpaadan Peti
TRAFFIC SIGNAL : Aavat Jaavat Suchak Jhandaa
TEA : Dugdh Jal Mishrit Sharkara Yukt Parvatiya(pahaadi) Booti
TRAIN : Sahasra Chakra Louh Path Gaamini
ALL ROUTE PASS : Yatr Tatr Sarvatr Gaman Aagya Patr
RAILWAY SIGNAL : Loh Path Gamini Suchak Yantra
RAILWAY SIGNAL : Agni Rath Aava Gaman Soochak Pattika
RAILWAY SIGNAL : Louh path gaamini aawagaman suchak yantra
BUTTON : Ast Vyast Vastra Niyantrak
MOSQUITO : Gunjanhaari Manav Rakt Pipasu Jeev
CIGERETTE : Shweta patra mandit dhumra shalakha praveen.
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And finally, take a look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
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